The following cooperators supported CERSOM already in the past:
o The embassies of Japan and the USA financed two new buildings
o Deutscher Entwicklungsdienst (DED)
o Les Amis du Cersom (AMCEBA)
o Audition Solidarité helped by providing further training of the staff, donating material and adjusting hearing aids in 2009, 2010 and 2011
o Many hearing aids, batteries and an audiometer (!) were donated in 2012 by the Lions Club Hessen
o The French embassy financed the new Audio phonological Center and new class rooms
o The embassy of Great Britain
o The redevelopment of the Sport Grounds was financed by the "Freiherr-von-Schütz-Schule" in Bad Camberg, Germany in 2012
o Circus material for the work of the German volunteer in 2012:
Ballaballa (, Pappnase & Co. ( and Henrys (
o The new kitchen and most of the balustrades could be finished thanks to SCZN Holland
o The Diakonie Wageningen (Holland)
o The Fred Foundation Holland
… as well as many volunteers and interns from France and Germany who supported CERSOM with their work. And last but not least the people that donated money individually!
Thanks to everybody!